XBMC Live 10.0 on a Zotac ZBOX HD-ND02 linked to OpenFiler VM media library

February 27, 2011

Introduction During the previous post I described my CD-to-FLAC project. The purpose of that project is two-fold: 1) create a digital, loss-less backup of all our existing CD collection, and 2) be able to access this mountain of media and play it on our main stereo system. I was already looking to possibly replace my […]


Ripping CDS to FLAC using Vortexbox in a VM connected to OpenFiler NAS

February 10, 2011

My project the last several weeks has been to rip my CD collection to FLAC. This is so I have electronic backups of all my music, as well as to allow it to be easily played on the sound systems in the house. My previous post described how I set about ripping. This post will […]


Vortexbox music server in an ESXi VM hooked to OpenFiler

January 18, 2011

The story About four years ago I got started on a project to rip all my music CDs to FLAC. About seventy albums in, that project got put on hold. We moved the study from our spare bedroom to the basement when our boy arrived, and the CDs got scattered into numerous dark recesses of […]


Rosewill RV350 350W Power Supply and my Backup Server

November 12, 2010

The external drive I have had an external harddrive on my desk for a number of years. It is a 320GB Western Digital drive in a Rosewill case. It used to store data backups but as my storage needs grew, and I consolidated my various externals into a single backup machine, there is rarely a […]


Multiple vCPU encoding performance in ESXi 4.1

October 9, 2010

Background This is a continuation of my post about vSphere 4.1’s new Power Policy settings. This post will look more closely at how adding additional vCPUs to an encoding process can impact its performance, and whether the power settings make that big a difference on a more heavily-loaded system. An excellent document on the vSphere […]


Power Policy Settings in vSphere 4.1

October 7, 2010

The new Power Policy Settings in ESXi 4.1 Since the upgrade to VMWare’s ESxi 4.1, I have been curious as to how the newly added power policy settings would affect both system power usage and relative performance. This short post will look at how the various power settings affect my specific setup during idle time, […]